
Whenever I see poppies, I think of that scene in the Wizard of Oz where they all lay down in that endless field and fall asleep… I am still feeling slightly sleepy and dopey after my surgery, but mending well and getting around quite nicely.

Thanks to all of you for your kind words and support. I am looking forward to getting back to “normal” which of course I put in quotations because normal is a relative term…

This morning I was able to walk outside to have my tea in the garden, listen to the birds sing, pet a purring cat that jumped into my lap.

The little things. It’s always the little things that comfort us most, don’t you think?

Or maybe these things that we call little are really the big things.

Larger than life.


Yes indeed. The “little things” really are everything.

Glad you’re healing.

(Poppies remind me both of the Wizard of Oz and also of California, where I grew up. I miss it so very much!)

I think the seedpod is more beautiful than the flower. I hope for a good weekend for you.

the little things are the most special! Glad all went well and have yourself a relaxing weekend!

Glad to hear you’r recovering even if you’re a little dopey still. It really is the little things that carry us through.

The little things are most definitely the most special. Having tea in the garden, being able to walk, hearing the birds…usually it’s the things we take for granted that we appreciate the most when we are able to get back to our regular routine. Keep healing! xo

You said it , Sissy 🙂

Glad you are home and healing! And yep, I believe the small things are actually the big things! Heal fast, my friend. xo

Somehow poppys always remind me of my youth

((Kelly)) sending you hugs and wishes. Have a beautiful weekend. Thanks for all that you do, write, and create. For the moments. -Mia

So glad to hear you’re on the mend..albeit slowly. And – on the nights when I can’t sleep…I often think of the Wizard of Oz poppy fields…and I’m instantly lulled into netherland!

Another lovely photo! Wishing you well:)

Me too! As soon as I read the title, my inside voice kept saying “poppies, poppies…” like the Wicked Witch..


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