It’s that time of year to settle in, snuggle up, batten down the hatches. The birds are loving my garden just now, mainly because I have yet to cut anything down, so there are plenty of seedheads for them to snack on.
I’ve been working hard inside, a new kitchen floor, fresh paint, washing windows and putting up storms.
Very soon it will be time to get ready for our two November shows, and then the year will simply fly until Christmas. I’d like to say I will find a way to make it not be so, but I know it will.
The children are coming to visit this weekend. There will be golf and wine tasting and snuggling up by the fire. And apple crisp.
I look outside my window and wonder where the days have gone this fall, it got cold very early and between being sick and being busy, so little time has been spent outside.
I need to bundle up and venture out, soak up some of those last rays of sun.
Even so, we have yet to have a hard frost, and I can never bring myself to cut down the garden before then, but I know it is just a matter of time.
The tall grasses are still green, though fully tasseled. They are shorter this year than usual, thanks to the drought.
And still, I miss the geese.
Soon, I will be missing my garden and dreaming of Spring.
But then, of course, there will be glittering snow and cozy fires, and lots and lots of reading.
A hibernation of the body, perhaps, but not the mind.
And I sit here with life at my side.