OWOH winner

As my One World One Heart giveaway, I offered this 8×10 print:

and the winner is….

Barbara Olivo Cagle

Congratulations, Barbara, I will contact you by email
to get your mailing info.

::     ::     ::

And if you weren’t the lucky winner, don’t despair,
check out our other giveaways here and here!

We will be also be announcing two more giveaways this month!

February is going to be fun…


I wonder if anyone will comment other than the winner. No one did on my blog. They came, but once they saw there was a winner, they didn’t leave a comment. My bad?

Congrats to Barbara, that will look nice on the wall


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© Copyright 2010-2021

All text and photographs are
the original work of Kelly Letky, unless otherwise noted. All rights reserved.
Be kind, don't copy!

I can be contacted at bluemusejewelry(at)gmail(dot)com

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