big heart sun
Yesterday I went to my parent’s house for dinner, my two brothers and my sister were also there, as well as my niece. It was nice, we sat around and talked and joked and solved all the problems of the world. Well, okay, we didn’t actually solve them, but you know what I mean.
We talked a lot about the environment, and climate change (because we had yet another big snowstorm the night before), and poverty, and my niece’s recent trip to the Dominican Republic as part of her college experience, (she’s majoring in elementary education, and they spent a week there helping out in a K-2 school).
We all complained about this never ending winter, we all enjoyed the good food and each other’s company, we all enjoyed the simple pleasure of being there, together.
I drove home just as the sun was setting, big and round and orange on the horizon.
I only had my cell phone with me, so I didn’t get a great photo, but no matter. It was a good day, a good dinner, and a good enough photo of a sun that warmed my skin just enough to remind me that even with all this snow, spring really is here.
That sun just keeps rising and setting, always.
Bringing me home.
i love this. the sun keeps rising and setting – we so often forget what a gift that is.
Posted by: d smith kaich jones | March 31st, 2014 09:36
How I miss family as they are scattered to the wind and not close by at all. I did not realize you were hit again with another storm. Wishing you a quick melt and warm days ahead.
Posted by: Donna@Gardens Eye View | March 31st, 2014 11:21
I love family get togethers over a nice meal. I miss those with my family being so far away.
Posted by: Kathryn Dyche Dechairo | March 31st, 2014 12:32
Oh, and what a wonderful time we had , thank you , thank you 🙂
Posted by: Nana | April 1st, 2014 10:24