my blue world
I am still seeking out color, finding it in places unexpected, but at least it is there. Isn’t that true of so much in life? When we start to really look for something, we find that it is already there, all around us, in places we should have noticed but didn’t, often right under our noses.
It is what bring things to the forefront of our minds, it helps us figure out what it is we need to open our eyes to, it is the song we sing even after everything else has gone quiet.
Sometimes things happen in the world that make you aware of your own mortality, make you appreciate how much you have, even when it seemed
like so little the day before.
My world is filled with color. And love and warmth and friendship and flowers and hugs and hope and good food and reflection.
I am thankful.
I am grateful.
I am on my knees with humility.
My world is blue and green and purple and orange. My world is golden.
When I forget this, I am remiss.
Today, I remember.
It’s good to remember . . . I’ve been so busy looking for color outside that I forgot to look within.
Posted by: Kathryn | March 13th, 2011 10:47
Love this image. Is that a water small droplet we’re seeing?
Posted by: Jillsy Girl | March 13th, 2011 11:38
Posted by: Nana | March 13th, 2011 11:39
my world is filled with many great things too and sometimes i forget by getting caught up in tomorrow! the things that need to be “done”!
thanks for your words to help me remember today…
Posted by: pat | March 13th, 2011 14:05
that is a really amazing shade of blue .. love love the simplicity of it and your words ring so true ..
Posted by: elk | March 13th, 2011 23:15
what great word and image to send us into the new week
Posted by: Chantal | March 14th, 2011 04:51
Words so very true…beautiful reminder, thank you:)
Posted by: Leah C | March 14th, 2011 08:55
Beautiful. The words as well as the picture.
Posted by: Karin | March 15th, 2011 05:07
Thank you for helping us all to see just how truly fortunate we are…I see the images of the earthquake victims in Japan on TV, and I instantly forget all of the petty, inconsequential things which I worry about. We all need reminders that no matter what, someone else is always struggling more…
Posted by: Jen | March 15th, 2011 14:17
I’m guilty too often of not noticing the gifts and beauty around me. Thanks for the reminder!
Posted by: Barbara | March 15th, 2011 15:56