from the shadows, light

October has been a month of shadows. It’s hard to find the light when you’re not feeling well, but finally I seem to have turned a corner, and there it is: light. And I am filled with gratitude, in the way that happens when you have a health scare, a reminder of just how precious every day is.

And now I’m heading into my busiest month of the year… two jewelry shows, gearing up for the holidays, design work and I still haven’t put my garden to bed. We have finally had a hard frost, and now it’s time. Except I need just that: time.

But I am trying not to stress, planning to simply do what I can do, because after all, what more can you do? My garden, my beautiful mess, will wait for me. As will the woodwork that needs painting, the chair cover that needs sewing, the studio that needs organizing (again).

Time waits for no one, but chores do. And it’s more important to take the time to catch the sun hitting the corn in the field next door, to read another book before the fire, to enjoy the company of the people I love, to write the words that need to be written. The things that matter are in clear focus. The rest can wait in the background, blurred and faded and properly prioritized.

Perspective is so subjective. A turn of the lens and what’s right in front of you becomes fuzzy and all those things on the horizon become sharp and clear. Another turn and there, you can see the moment you stand in.

That’s the one that matters.

Find the light. It’s always there, somewhere.

Reach for it.



reaching and napping!

October is a month of extremes. Glad to hear you’re feeling better. Plus, I’m a big fan of smelling the roses, even if the roses means sun on the corn. Time and tide may wait for no man or woman, but some things are worth screwing up the timetables for.

I haven’t commented for a while, sorry life is hectic here, but I’m popping in quickly now to wish you all the best for your health and happiness. <3


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