
I woke up to a winter wonderland this morning. It won’t stick, already half of it is melted, but it was a magical scene while it lasted.

I love the sparkle that snowlight adds to the world. Covering up all the mud and gray and drab with a pretty party dress. I’ll probably regret saying this, but I’m ready for snow. Real snow, 6 or 8 inches of fluffy cotton ball softly falling snow. Yes, come February, feel free to remind me that I said that.

But I feel myself getting cozied in for winter, ready to hibernate like a bear, snuggled up in front of the fire. Already I am lining up books to read, knitting to be knitted, lazy Sundays being the norm rather than the exception. Winter is my time to rest. To recharge. To regenerate.

There will be oatmeal made for breakfast, the old-fashioned kind that you have to cook, and soups for dinner every week. There will be a bored, naughty kitten just waiting for spring. There will be a fire made every night, and shoveling to be done every afternoon. The birds will wait to be fed, scrambling to eat enough to stay warm.

And my garden will hide beneath its winter coat, whispering promises of new growth and fresh beauty. Whispering, resting, reflecting.

Each year, the seasons tumble through life, as backdrop for habits that adjust to them without question.

It’s the kind of change you can count on.

The framework of life.


Wishing you a weekend filled with sparkling light.





I drove up the road for a job interview today and our mountains are dusted with snow. Its ski season. I couldn’t be happier.

We got some snow here this week also. It was actually a welcome sight.
Love this photograph!

It is one of those reliable changes in life that remind us we are always moving forward.

Still waiting for our first real winter snow. I think – in some ways – it’s my favorite season!!!


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