The shape of things is always changing.
What you thought was round suddenly becomes triangular,
what you thought would fit suddenly becomes
uncomfortably tight.
Growth happens, even when you feel dormant.
And somehow, you suddenly find yourself blooming
in bright bold colors.
Change. Resilience. Tenacity.
Each fragile flower holds all of these in her heart.
Along with a tiny ray of sun.
It’s all there, waiting.
Go ahead,
opening….right now…
Posted by: honeylazar | May 8th, 2013 08:49
oh my! “growth happens, even when you feel dormant.” you are my shrink and my fortune teller and personal sage all rolled up into one.
and this flower looks alive and powerful. i wanna look like that. xoxo
Posted by: d smith kaich jones | May 13th, 2013 10:31
Beautiful! Spring flowers yay!
Posted by: iHanna | May 17th, 2013 15:39