ten truths about me

I am participating in Kim Klassen’s Beyond Layers Course, and this week’s prompt is to share 10 truths about myself. So here goes…

  1. February has become my least favorite month. Enough said.
  2. Yesterday, I realized how much birds have become a part of my life. And I wonder what this means.
  3. I can’t wait to get outside in my garden and feel the sunshine on my back. One of my favorite things to do is clear a whole day and head out there with my favorite music and nothing but time.
  4. I’m going to be 50 this year. It’s also a leap year. It feels like I need to do something especially significant before next January.
  5. Lately, I crave spicy food more than I crave chocolate. This feels blasphemous.
  6. The older I get, the more I pay attention to Nature. I wonder if it’s this way for everyone, or if it’s just me. (Actually, I wonder that about a lot of things.)
  7. I am a procrastinator. I am trying to change this. It’s not easy.
  8. Words are my favorite clothes to wear in life.
  9. Periwinkle.
  10. I am imperfect. I can’t have it all. Or do it all. I’m learning to make better choices.

And there you have it.

…..   …..   …..

Today is Leap Day. In my opinion, that means we have a whole extra day to appreciate life. And that is a very good thing indeed.




i remember 50. your 10 things are fabulous. keeping you utterly human at any age! ….and that’s not for the birds!

what a fabulous list. periwinkle indeed! i have watched as birds land here or fly overhead more often than they once did, and yes, it means something, but i have no idea what. i’m visualizing 50 of them landing in your yard for your birthday – it’s a ways away, so i have most of the year to visualize this into reality. and i love the words you wear. xoxo

Love this. I think I will have to try it. Thank you for sharing.

“Words are my favorite clothes to wear in life.”

This so resonates with me. Also, they never need to be ironed or bleached. Unless, of course, they do.

Can you imagine hemming words? Darning sentences? Pinning up paragraphs?

Loving your list . . . I’ve certainly come to appreciate nature more as I’ve got older. I used to think people who bird watched were hilarious and now I sit glued to my sun room window for hours watching them!!!

I love #10. But sorry about the #1, whatever that’s about… : /

Wonderful sharing! I need to get going on my list 🙂

I agree on the birds. They lift my spirits and make me feel like I can soar.

You are a delightful writer that reveals layers of thought and loads of personality through your truths.
Lovely list that resonates with integrity and beauty!

((Kelly)) I love your list and the leap. Thanks so much for sharing. Love No. 8: “Words are my favorite clothes to wear in life.” xoxo -Mia

10 truths about yourself. How interesting.
A thought comes immediately to mind. “I’m too boring.”
But I know I’m not.
We are all interesting.
Good list!

love your photo and your list. I agree about paying more attention to nature. I think my camera helps me do this!

i am not a fan of clothes of the fabric kind, but am like you in that i enjoy wearing the clothes of words.

This is a beautiful photo. I love how the grasses are blowing in the wind. I’m a procrastinator too, except when I decide I want something done I want it done YESTERDAY! 🙂

Periwinkle – YES!!! And – I can attest…being just on the other side of 50 – it only gets better!!!


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