snow geese redux

Last year at this time, the snow geese arrived by the hundreds. I haven’t seen (or heard) them yet this year, but yesterday, red-winged blackbirds and the funny silly grackles showed up at the feeder.

Spring inches her way towards us in a one step forward, two steps backwards kind of way, and the light fills my house and my heart.

I’ll be listening, each time I step outside, for the geese to arrive, a final cue for the changing of the guard.

Seasons shifting on the axis of birdsong.

Music to my ears.




shifting on the axis of birdsong….love the melody of that!

i love that – shifting on the axis of birdsong. truth.

Seasons shifting on the axis of birdsong . . . that is so true. I hear it!

Beautiful! Is this a photo or a painting?

It never ceases to amaze me how the birds know just when to show up.

We have seen quite a few lately

Well, it’s beautiful and I was wondering if you would give me permission to use it as the basis for a watercolor painting?


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